Chapter Sponsors
Bronze Sponsor
Sponsorship Opportunities
As the premier association for women working in the construction industry, NAWIC meets employers’ needs by helping to develop dedicated, multi-skilled employees, who in turn increase productivity and build your company’s recognition.
Interested in becoming a Chapter Sponsor? Contact the NAWIC San Diego President to learn more.
Sponsor Benefits
Company logo featured on NAWIC Chapter website for 2024/2025 year and newsletter
Company logo on all social media posts for all general membership meetings advertisements
General Membership Chapter Meetings (2 tickets/meeting) - 6 meetings
Event Sponsorship includes 2 tickets/event and company logo recognition at the Anniversary Gala and Installation
Special Event Sponsorship includes 2 tickets for WIC Week and company logo recognition at the event.
Company logo featured on NAWIC Chapter website for 2024/2025 year and newsletter
Company logo on all social media posts for all general membership meetings advertisements
General Membership Chapter Meetings (2 tickets/meeting) - 4 meetings
Event Sponsorship includes 2 tickets/event and Company logo recognition at the Anniversary Gala
Company logo featured on NAWIC Chapter website for 2024/2025 year and newsletter
Company logo on all social media posts for all general membership meetings advertisements
General Membership Chapter Meetings (2 tickets/meeting) - 3 meetings
Company logo featured on NAWIC Chapter website for 2024/2025 year and newsletter
Company logo on all social media posts for all general membership meetings advertisements
General Membership Chapter Meetings (2 tickets/meeting) - 2 meetings
Linked logo displayed on the website
Sponsorship runs through the NAWIC year (October 1 - September 30)
Limit two companies per meeting
Your company logo is displayed on the meeting flyer
Recognition post.on social media
Two minute speaking opportunity at designated meeting
Interested? Please contact the Hospitality Chair, Caroline Niette, to become a meeting sponsor.
NAWIC San Diego Chapter 21 offers sponsorship opportunities to third-party businesses including, but not limited to law firms. These sponsorships may include an advertisement for the third-party business as well as a link to the third-party business' website. NAWIC San Diego Chapter 21 is not responsible for any statements or actions by any third-party business or its affiliates.